Saturday, November 14, 2009

Spiritual Growth-Obeying His Words

The best part of Spiritual Growth is Obeying His Words and if we did that to begin with, we would not have as far to climb.  I think sometimes, we think that we are so self sufficient when we begin our path of Spiritual Growth that simply Obeying His Words is something we do only when we need to; so that we get what we want from Him, when we need it the most. Not always, but sometimes, right?  If I made a bet on it;  this happens a lot becuase I know from my own experiences.  I have been going along molly, jolly and all of a sudden, something strikes...I run to the Word (His Words)  to find answers which I should have already known or had studied to begin with.  If I had been in His words already, I would have been more equipped to face whatever it was that was endangering my walk with Him or my life at that point.

Let us read some scripture here for a moment.  I love Psalms and a lot of the time, that is where I have gone when in desperate search for an immediate fix.  Psalm 34: 4,5-9:  (4)"I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.  (6) The poor man cried and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. (7) The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them. (8) O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. (9) O fear the Lord, ye His sanits: for there is no want to them that fear Him".  Whether it be an immediate fix or not; these scriptures tell us exactly what we need.  If we were to stay in the scripture and His words, we would be further up the ladder in our endeavor for Spiritual Growth -Obeying His Words and needing less nourishment as we would already have it within our Souls. The same as having a prayer in our hearts continuely.

In the same chapter it goes on to say in verse 14:  "Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it".  My, my (as my Grandmother used to say).  Here we are doing evil, yet trying to gain Spiritual Growth-and not Obeying His Words??? What have we been doing?  Do we even know?    The in verse 15:  "The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry". Verse 17:  The righteous cry, and the Lord hearth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.  I am going to highlight this; Verse 18:  "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit". This is from the Authorized "King James Version".

We need to clarify the difference in righteousness and perfection.  Okay, here we go;  righteousness:

1. characterized by uprightness or morality: a righteous observance of the law.

2. morally right or justifiable: righteous indignation.

3. acting in an upright, moral way; virtuous: a righteous and godly person. According to

When we get to the perfection stage; we will be ready to meet our Lord but we must be righteous to be able to call upon His name and know that He is there ready without repeating all the stuff called "Lord, forgive me, again and again".  Do not get me wrong, please, there is nothing wrong with asking the Lord to forgive us for our human nature when we let our guard down. I believe this is necessary if we are to keep ourselves walking daily in a higher level with Him.  As humans we tend to let the nature of self get in the way when someone ruffles our feathers, so to speak and we want to crawl over someone for disturbing our whatever it was that got ruffled.  I had rather go to Him in a state of seeking than going to Him and reminding Him of my good works up until now.  You see the reason behind this is;  it is our duty as Christians, to live a good and righteous life.  Yes, I did say our duty.  It is nothing to brag about or tell the Lord,  here I am, you know I have done this and that and the other.  It take some work....that is why we are in this battle of trhying to grow spiritually and seeking, Spiritual Growth-Obeying His Words. 

Seeking Spiritual Growth-Obeying His Words takes some efforts and does not come about by leaving off the necessary; reading the Word- the Bible.  If you are not reading the Word, then you will not know what His words are. It just makes us look foolish (I am including myself) when we get into trouble, our heart is breaking and we want to cover our head up and never come out again; to call on Him and have to do our first works over!!!

The Lord loves even when we are sinners and I am not telling you not to call on God in the time of need.  He is always there, He will be there but there comes a time in our life that we need to walk closer to Him and be in His words and fight whatever battle it is, with His Words.  If you read in the scripture; you will see that satan, hates the spoken word of God thrown back at him...It takes some work to know the scripture and His words to fight the other power who has no power in God's word.

The Lord is merciful and in Psalms 45: 1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble".  So you see, I am not suggesting that we are not to seek Him and His word when we are in trouble.  There are times when we must go to Him like David did when he prayed: "Restore unto me the joy of salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit".  Psalms 51: 12.

When we are living in His words, we are stronger and when we meet with adversity or some awful thing; we know that we have Obeyed His Words and He will deliver us.  We simply could repeat the Lord's prayer right here if we chose to. Spiritual Growth-Obeying His Words is just like personal growth.  We must see the need, seek it and put it into action.  No-one can or will do it for us; it is something we must do for ourselves.  His words are pure, true, absolute, kind but firm.  If you don't want the truth; don't go to the Word!!!  It is written in black and white and it will shake you in your boots if you have a conscious at all and take it seriously.  Spiritual Growth-will not come by listening to someone must read it and seek it on your own...The Pastor, Minister,Rabbi,etc. cannot get it for must seek it for yourself; I repeat.

The "Book" is full of God's word, He tells us from start to finish what we can expect, how to deal with it and how to overcome.  He gives us examples to follow; just think about Job..he suffered and suffered but held true to his purpose and God's plan and in the end Obeyed His Words.  You can also think back to Genesis when God told Noah to build the Ark...He obeyed the voice of God, he did what he was suppose to do.  We are not immune to troubles, trials and periods of defeat, we will have those and suffer but when we are studied in God's word, we have a weapon we can use to gain our strenght and renew our spirit and feel good again and know that Spiritual Growth-Obeying His Words will deliver us from evil....Always!!!

God Bless.

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