Saturday, November 14, 2009

Spiritual Growth-Obeying His Words

The best part of Spiritual Growth is Obeying His Words and if we did that to begin with, we would not have as far to climb.  I think sometimes, we think that we are so self sufficient when we begin our path of Spiritual Growth that simply Obeying His Words is something we do only when we need to; so that we get what we want from Him, when we need it the most. Not always, but sometimes, right?  If I made a bet on it;  this happens a lot becuase I know from my own experiences.  I have been going along molly, jolly and all of a sudden, something strikes...I run to the Word (His Words)  to find answers which I should have already known or had studied to begin with.  If I had been in His words already, I would have been more equipped to face whatever it was that was endangering my walk with Him or my life at that point.

Let us read some scripture here for a moment.  I love Psalms and a lot of the time, that is where I have gone when in desperate search for an immediate fix.  Psalm 34: 4,5-9:  (4)"I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.  (6) The poor man cried and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles. (7) The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them. (8) O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him. (9) O fear the Lord, ye His sanits: for there is no want to them that fear Him".  Whether it be an immediate fix or not; these scriptures tell us exactly what we need.  If we were to stay in the scripture and His words, we would be further up the ladder in our endeavor for Spiritual Growth -Obeying His Words and needing less nourishment as we would already have it within our Souls. The same as having a prayer in our hearts continuely.

In the same chapter it goes on to say in verse 14:  "Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace and pursue it".  My, my (as my Grandmother used to say).  Here we are doing evil, yet trying to gain Spiritual Growth-and not Obeying His Words??? What have we been doing?  Do we even know?    The in verse 15:  "The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry". Verse 17:  The righteous cry, and the Lord hearth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.  I am going to highlight this; Verse 18:  "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit". This is from the Authorized "King James Version".

We need to clarify the difference in righteousness and perfection.  Okay, here we go;  righteousness:

1. characterized by uprightness or morality: a righteous observance of the law.

2. morally right or justifiable: righteous indignation.

3. acting in an upright, moral way; virtuous: a righteous and godly person. According to

When we get to the perfection stage; we will be ready to meet our Lord but we must be righteous to be able to call upon His name and know that He is there ready without repeating all the stuff called "Lord, forgive me, again and again".  Do not get me wrong, please, there is nothing wrong with asking the Lord to forgive us for our human nature when we let our guard down. I believe this is necessary if we are to keep ourselves walking daily in a higher level with Him.  As humans we tend to let the nature of self get in the way when someone ruffles our feathers, so to speak and we want to crawl over someone for disturbing our whatever it was that got ruffled.  I had rather go to Him in a state of seeking than going to Him and reminding Him of my good works up until now.  You see the reason behind this is;  it is our duty as Christians, to live a good and righteous life.  Yes, I did say our duty.  It is nothing to brag about or tell the Lord,  here I am, you know I have done this and that and the other.  It take some work....that is why we are in this battle of trhying to grow spiritually and seeking, Spiritual Growth-Obeying His Words. 

Seeking Spiritual Growth-Obeying His Words takes some efforts and does not come about by leaving off the necessary; reading the Word- the Bible.  If you are not reading the Word, then you will not know what His words are. It just makes us look foolish (I am including myself) when we get into trouble, our heart is breaking and we want to cover our head up and never come out again; to call on Him and have to do our first works over!!!

The Lord loves even when we are sinners and I am not telling you not to call on God in the time of need.  He is always there, He will be there but there comes a time in our life that we need to walk closer to Him and be in His words and fight whatever battle it is, with His Words.  If you read in the scripture; you will see that satan, hates the spoken word of God thrown back at him...It takes some work to know the scripture and His words to fight the other power who has no power in God's word.

The Lord is merciful and in Psalms 45: 1 "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble".  So you see, I am not suggesting that we are not to seek Him and His word when we are in trouble.  There are times when we must go to Him like David did when he prayed: "Restore unto me the joy of salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit".  Psalms 51: 12.

When we are living in His words, we are stronger and when we meet with adversity or some awful thing; we know that we have Obeyed His Words and He will deliver us.  We simply could repeat the Lord's prayer right here if we chose to. Spiritual Growth-Obeying His Words is just like personal growth.  We must see the need, seek it and put it into action.  No-one can or will do it for us; it is something we must do for ourselves.  His words are pure, true, absolute, kind but firm.  If you don't want the truth; don't go to the Word!!!  It is written in black and white and it will shake you in your boots if you have a conscious at all and take it seriously.  Spiritual Growth-will not come by listening to someone must read it and seek it on your own...The Pastor, Minister,Rabbi,etc. cannot get it for must seek it for yourself; I repeat.

The "Book" is full of God's word, He tells us from start to finish what we can expect, how to deal with it and how to overcome.  He gives us examples to follow; just think about Job..he suffered and suffered but held true to his purpose and God's plan and in the end Obeyed His Words.  You can also think back to Genesis when God told Noah to build the Ark...He obeyed the voice of God, he did what he was suppose to do.  We are not immune to troubles, trials and periods of defeat, we will have those and suffer but when we are studied in God's word, we have a weapon we can use to gain our strenght and renew our spirit and feel good again and know that Spiritual Growth-Obeying His Words will deliver us from evil....Always!!!

God Bless.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Spiritual Growth-When God Speaks

I have never heard a voice speak to me out loud that I thought was God, so let me get that straight now before we go any further with this post on Spiritual Growth- When God Speaks.  Do I believe that He speaks to us?  Yes, I believe, He does.  I am sure you are thinking that I have contradicted myself right off the bat.  I really haven't, because I know God speaks in the most profound ways and most of the time, from a lack of knowledge, we ignore Him.  I am not saying that He has never spoken to others audibly. He did so in Bible times and if He chose to; He would again, if He has not.  What am I really saying about God Speaking?  I believe He speaks to each of us in our daily life, in many different forms and ways and most of the time, we do not recognize Him.

Let us search a little for some answers to all of this about When God Speaks. In my search for Spiritual Growth-When God Speaks, I have often prayed for Him to speak to me; did He?  Not in the way I had wanted, but I saw His works manifected one way or the other. There are so many times I have felt His great blessings and His protection that my memory will not let me remember them.  Since my childhood I have been blessed to believe in Him and in His presence. I first repented of my sins at the early age of 9 years.  Have I remained true to Him all of this time.  No, I have strayed and followed my own heart's desires, not His desires for me.  I have faultered many times and shamefully so.  There is one thing actually that I never forgot or could get away from and that was His constant calling to be what I was intended to be.

There is nothing more fulfilling than being in the presence of God and knowing He is going to work something out for you with His mighty helping hand and When He Speaks....that is all that you need.  If you do not understand this, let me try to explain. First let say this;  if the majority of America, would humble themselves and cry out to God, our Nation would change for the better.  That is not a prophecy or prediction, it is fact.

These are my preceptions and where I have been when in the presence of God and know When God Speaks to me.  In the presence of God is a place where you become tuned into or saturated in His spirit through prayer. If you have never in your life had what seemed to be a life threatening situation, where it seemed to you that your life, you mind and your soul were at stake of being swept away from you; then you may not understand. You may not have been or ever seen a person who needed to find a place to rest their burden or they felt as though they would die. This kind of pain will bring you to your knees without anyone having to tell you, let's pray.  I hope you have never had this kind of hurt, but most of us have at one time or the other, in one way or another.  When one comes to this point, if they know God at all or even if they do not know anything at all about Spiritual Growth or When God Speaks, it is natural human instinct to call on the highest power you have ever heard of.  I have seen this happen many times and the first response when someone feels their heart breaking beyond that bearable state; will in a flash, call on God.  When this happens, the sincerity is there, they at that moment recognize His Almighty power and in His Infinite mercy. God Speaks and life is bearable again.  Oh, it makes me feel so good to know when life get to this place, I know I can go to Him.

If you pray at all, then I am sure you at some time have asked for His guidance.  Be it something personal, professional or spiritual, we all have times when we do not know what direction to take.  I have seen doors close time and again; and yes at the time I might have thought He had forgotten all about me and did not hear my prayer.  Then I have seen the phone ring and there is another opportunity calling, and then I know He has spoken.   In Spiritual Growth-When God Speaks, it is not always loud and clear but When He Speaks...things happen and it is for our good.  Do I think that we are dealt a bad hand sometimes?  Yes, but not by God.  He does not dish out the bad, we may not understand why bad things happen to good people, but the reasons is not for us to ponder.  When we suffer, it can sometimes mean that we are reaping what we have sowen.  I am not talking about God purnishing us but when we have played a game not of God, we must suffer the consquences of our behavior.

If you have ever been lonely and felt so detached from everyone and everything you will understand this about When God Speaks.  I have had times in my life that I was alone, I was lonely and could not or did not want to pray.  Maybe I could not see it would help my situation.  I have seen God Speak through a little animal, with little beany eyes staring at me as if to say; it's going to be okay, tomorrow is another day and I love you.  I have seen friends change an outcome for me that seemed unatainable or even remotely possible....When God Speaks...nothing can go wrong.  I have seen God Speak in my life in many ways without me realizing it at the time.  He is a guide, He speaks in silence sometimes but if we search for Him, there is no doubt in my mind in any situation; He will speak.  No, it is not what we always want to hear, we are humans and want our way, but remember when seeking Him for the best for your life;  His plans may be different than yours. 

I hope that you get something good out of this post.  I hope you understand better the ways in your Spiritual Growth- When God Speaks.  This is not a fairy tale, this is real.  He speaks through people. He speaks through loving animals sometimes, and when He speaks there is nothing else to be said.  He is always available to listen, what we should not do is argue with His answers or His knowing.  He knows what is best for us. He knows when we are sincere and He knows the heart.  He and only He can satisfy your soul.  In your endeavor for Spiritual Growth- just listen...know....and you can see When God Speaks to you.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"About Me"

Well to be honest, I am just like the rest of the human race, I have faultered, swayed, neglected and been in sin when I knew better.  Am I sorry for these times?  Most definitely.  Will I ever be there again?  I sure hope not and if I am, it will be because I have not followed the Lord like I should and neglected efforts to grow Spiritualy and becoming a better Christian on a daily basis.

I have been in the Christian way for a very long Father was a minister and deacon of the Church.  I was raised to believe that Jesus died on the cross of Calvery for my sins and my sins would be forgiven by Him, if I would seek forgiveness.  I believe that God is merciful and loves us even though we are sinners because He died for the sinner, not the saint anyway.  I try to be honest, trustworthy and a true friend.  I know that life can be hard, more for some than others.  I realize that sometimes bad things happen to good people and yes, I wonder why them.  I believe that God has a plan for our life; I believe that He has to draw us to Him before we realize we need Him.  I know that He does not purnish us, we are sometimes purnished for our deeds that we brought upon ourselves.

I am a believer that there is a reason and a season for everything.  God makes no mistakes.  I believe that if He brings to you it, He will lead you through it.  I know that sometimes He allows us to suffer so that we will be more understanding of other people's suffering.  If we never had a problem, we would not be able to help someone else.  I believe that when you are down to nothing; God is up to something.  I know that God does not bring us pain but He is there to heal it, if we seek Him. 

I believe that God will heal the sick, we only have to ask Him for the healing and remember that everything is not in His will.  I believe that life is full of ups and downs for everyone and no one is immune to sorrow at some time or the other.  I know that money does not bring happiness or make an individual better than someone else.  I know that we all have to work for what we have and in turn give thanks for everything, no matter how little because there may be others who have less.  I believe that God has Angels because I have seen then, no they did not have wings.  I believe that it is our duty to help others, even when we have nothing
...because until you give, when you have nothing to give, you have never really given.

My life is just like yours, probably. I struggle to be a better person, help someone along the way and when I have finished my life, I hope someone will remember something good.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Spiritual Growth-Our Soul

The soul is our non-material self and in our Spiritual Growth -Our Soul is the part that never dies. I will share with you some important information and you can process it how you choose.

In Genesis 2:7: And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. – King James Version. Notice in this verse, He shows us that man is a compound being, having a body and soul distinctly and separately created; the body out of the dust of the earth, the soul immediately breathed from God himself. It says that God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; “the breath of lives,” i.e., animal and intellectual. While this breath of God expanded the lungs and set them to function, His inspiration gave both spirit and understanding. This scripture is in reference to God creating the first man and He called him Adam.

So you see as we explore and understand Spiritual Growth-Our souls; from the beginning we had a soul. Yet, the soul that God gave Adam became tarnished and confused when he allowed Eve to convenience him to eat of the forbidden fruit.  Sin was born at that moment because of Adam's disobedience and that my friend is why you and I are now forever seeking Spiritual Growth-and Soul searching strength to live our daily life.

If you were to read on in Genesis the first few chapters, you find that God repented that he ever made man, because as the population grew, they became wicked, without regard even to the voice of God and were seeking evil continually. This is how it is described in the scripture. God was angred in that He said He would destroy the evil and corrupt. In Geneses 6: 11: “The earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence”. He said that all flesh had corrupted His way upon the earth. And God said unto Noah; (who was the only man that found favor with God),” The end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth”. Genesis 6: 13. This is when He gave instructions to Noah to build an Ark….from here we know the rest of that story. If you do not and want to read it, please go to Genesis and you can find the entire story in detail starting with Chapter 1.

It could be said that, I think that God got a little bit too angry here….well why? These people were not seeking Spiritual Growth-for their Souls….they were seeking pleasures for a season. He made the earth and all that dwells therein…He didn’t have to ask anyone; the right was His and all of the unrighteousness grieved His core being.  They left God’s ways for their own ways and did would not pay attention to Noah when he tried to warn them of their fate. Therefore the winds blew and the floods came, just as Noah had predicted and in the end, only Noah and his family were saved with two of every living creatures that God has made.  God said; "My spirit will not always strive with man". Genesis 6:3.…and when he saw no hope for that generation He said He would destroy man whom He had created.. Not any of us have forever to seek God and His presence. It is something we should be doing on an everyday basis. We also know that God said He would never again curse the ground for man’s sake, as He had done with the flood; He said: “for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from this youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. Genesis 8:21.

I have given you some scripture to back up the existence of our soul from the moment we are born.  Please refer to the previous blog which bears some insight to becoming responsible and know that we need to ask God for forgiveness and repent of our carnal ways and start our Spiritual Growth and Our Soul transformation. The soul is where we have emotions such as sorrow, pain and grief. It is where we have intent; good or bad, it is where we suffer yet where we feel joy and peace. The Soul is our essence.

We are born sinners and then saved by grace. If we seek His face, He will manifest to us in our spirit and favor us in our search for Spiritual Growth-and our help for our Souls.

In our endeavor for life sustaining success, our first and most important priority should be in keeping our Spiritual Growth- Our souls in squeaky clean condition. It is easy to let our emotions overcome us sometimes with frivolous matters. We do or say something that was not worth it and sometimes it can destroy other people. It is of most importance that our relationship with God and others be on the up and up…never hypocritical. If you don’t feel it, don’t act like you do. If you don’t agree, don’t say you do, by nodding your head. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out. Be kind to others and they will be kind to you. Forget the past, live in the present. Stop counting on others to do what you are suppose to do. Keep your business to yourself and then you will have no reason to believe someone told something they should not have. We should never compromise our faith for fortune, our soul for fame; for if we did, then having strived for Spiritual Growth- and Our Soul preservation would be in vain.

Spiritual Growth-Spirituality

If you are here seeking Spiritual Growth-Spirituality, please know that you are not alone. It seems that with our world situation as it is and so much blame game going on in America for the status of our financial downfall, the deficit, the Health Care proposal etc., people are searching for something to relieve the stress and strain of our impoverished economy. Faith in our Congressional Parties has changed, we no longer believe what they say or their ability to make sound decisions and we are scared to death for America. This is much truer for those who have lost; lost lots of money, their home and what they feel is their future. This is not the best time in America; I am going to say for most everyone. We all have our doubts and confusion about how all of this is going to play out. We have always been the most blessed Country and now we can’t visualize how we will ever survive the enormous debt that has been placed upon our shoulders. It is now the time for America to begin a full thrust forward and start seeking what nothing else will give.Spiritual Growth-Spirituality is what can keep us strong, but of course, it has to be individually, as we know that we must separate Church and State in our government. If we were to grow strong individually, it would reach out and decisions would be made in a deeper sense of responsibility to those who make up this Country.

Most of us are afraid to mention any kind of religion, God or Jesus. It’s a big no, no. We do not even think about saying we are seeking Spiritual Growth-Spirituality out loud.  It can even get you into trouble and you could loose your job. It is such a shame that our Country is loosing our “One Nation, under God” belief and forgetting how we were founded. On the other hand, there are many of us who are still seeking and will never give up. Those of us that are reaching out and hoping we can find the needed strength for this time in our life, are waiting for our spirit to open up and show us the exact way we should be going in the path of Spiritual Growth-Spirituality. I don’t know who you are, or what you know and believe, therefore I can’t speak for you, and I can only speak what I know. What I know is that God’s spirit will guide us in the path of righteousness in our time of trouble and in our search for peace. Plain and simple! God does not force Himself on anyone and He does always strive with man.  He can say; enough is enough.

For whatever reason you are seeking a better knowledge of the spirit filled life; I can assure you that if you seek hard enough and long enough, the truth will come. It is important to remember in our search for Spiritual Growth-and Spirituality that each of us may react or respond in different ways, depending upon what we believe or feel, but the core of this is that we reach a point in our life that we can’t stand where we are anymore and need a different perspective in life.

What is our Spirit? It is:

• spiritual part of a person; soul
• mood, sentiment or intent
• vigor or courage
• state of mind

What is Spiritual/Spirituality? It is:

• pertaining to religion
• pertaining to the soul
• concerned with matters of the soul

What is Soul? It is:

• non-material aspect of a person
• emotional or moral aspect of the personality
• feelings or sensitivity
• essence
• human being

If you are seeking something profound in your search for Spiritual Growth-Spirituality, this is just about as good as it gets. Let me guide you to St. John 4: 24: “God is a spirit; and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth”.

When we come into existence we have a spirit, not a revelation by any means, but a spirit that is not fully developed yet. When we become older, we begin to realize that we need a deeper understanding of our reactions, behavior, emotions, what makes us tick and why we are like we are. We feel that something is missing. Not everyone sees the need or gives thought to Spiritual Growth or Spirituality, it is a drawing from the “Holy One” above. You and I can see this as a great loss for those who do not realize their life would be ever so different, fuller of joy, peace and love and more in the knowing instead of wondering.

Upon reaching that certain age, whether we know it or not we begin seeking Spiritual Growth- Spirituality that we are talking about above, something to satisfy the soul and we begin to have a conscious and it begins to tug at our heart, we seek a satisfaction, sometimes, not knowing what. This is when He, Jesus is drawing you to Him, (whether you know it or not). The scripture tells us that (He) must draw us. If we know how to pray, we pray and it goes something like this: “Dear God, I feel that something is not right in me, I am missing something real important in my life. I need you to please help me and forgive me of my sins that I was born with. I feel bound and incomplete, please set me free. I want to be a better person, follow your path of righteousness and when I die, I want to reside in a place that is called Heaven. Amen”.

When we have made a commitment to the Him, when we begin to do something that is not just right, we feel a since of guilt. This is your spirit talking to you, giving you warning that you are about to proceed in the wrong direction. You inner soul, saying…no, no that’s not the path to take. You either obey that still small voice or you succumb to what the mind (I call it the other spirit) is telling you: hey, this is not that bad, I can’t see that this would hurt anyone; I’m going to do it! Maybe at this point we should dig a little deeper in God’s love and let Him manifest Himself to us, if we are going to grow spiritually and obtain the Spiritual Growth and Spirituality that we need to sustain us in times of temptation.

Most of the time we would be so much better off…if we would heed to that still small voice. Let me correct that; if He says no, not most of the time, but every time we would be better off to have listened to that still small voice. I know that everyone does not attend Church, or has a direct relationship with God or His Son, Jesus; but whatever you believe, you must realize you are not okay without Spiritual Growth- Spirituality coming into your life and making a commitment to yourself and the Higher Power. Not everyone has been taught that our conscious is our guide. This reminds me of the scripture that says: “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak”. Matthew 26: part of 21st verse; King James Version. I will say this, you do not have to be in Church, Synagogue, Temple, or any place of worship to obtain the peace that comes when you recognize that we are born sinners and must repent. It can begin at your bedside, in a closet, in your car or on the back porch. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you see the need to grow spiritually and that you are not satisfied with how things are going in your life and you want Spiritual Growth.

Spiritual Growth and Spirituality is not something that can be acquired once and forgotten. It is a continuous endeavor. Why? Go over the scripture in Matthew again. We are human and sometimes humans get lazy and forget; it is true even with our efforts in everyday life. Just like physical exercise, it takes practice, dedication and working at. Your “Spiritual Self” needs nourishment just life like your body; mediation, prayer, thanksgiving, and many more ways to feed our spirit. You must remember this is about you, not anyone else. This is about giving you a better way of living. This is so that you feel complete, satisfied and happy. Yes, it does involve others to a certain extent, but only in the way “you” respond to others, no one can do this for “you”. It is a truth that Spiritual Growth and Spirituality must be an ongoing effort.